Academic style

美 [ˌækəˈdemɪk staɪl]英 [ˌækəˈdemɪk staɪl]
  • 网络学术风格;学术文体;不省心的玩意儿
Academic styleAcademic style
  1. The second section concretely analyzes the classicists ' comprehension and summarization on academic style . We analyze the classicists ' opinions on the relation of argumentation , textual research and prose in the third section .


  2. Confucian academic style was to retain firmly Chinese old cultural spirit .


  3. Thoughts on scientific ethics and academic style in National Natural Science Funding


  4. Some Problems Concerning the Academic Style in the Present Chinese Linguistic Circle ( Part One )


  5. The teaching of philosophy and the nurture of academic style


  6. The Academic Style and Landmark of the Robinson School of the New History


  7. Fine Academic Style and High Literary State Are The Organic Unity of Standardization and Innovation


  8. In ancient China , novels have always been two different styles academic style and storytelling style .


  9. Liu Xiaofeng is unique in the academic style .


  10. Tolkien 's academic style is not all that dissimilar to his academic style .


  11. In this essay , the author tries to analyze Hart 's academic style and the position where truth may exist .


  12. In2009 , Lishui Photography Cultural Festival had successfully transformed from previous salon style to academic style .


  13. But with careful analysis , it can be found that the factors different from the realistic academic style began to appear in his works .


  14. The Detail of Soul and the Light of Existence & XIE You-shun 's Literary Critical Road and his Academic Style


  15. In true academic style , two of those rare bestselling professors have just taken a swipe at one of the others .


  16. The article indi-cates that it is very important raise the level of teaching and research , purify the academic style to promote the de-velopment college journals .


  17. The former founded the philosophical connotation school and the latter carried forward Wang 's academic style and he is also one of the most important founders of Neo-Confucianism .


  18. By analyzing the four modes , the author discusses that there are four related working styles of university president : academic style ; management style ; politician style and leader style .


  19. The maturity of learning case style between the Ming and Qing dynasties marks the maturity of ancient Chinese academic style and also one of the creations of ancient Chinese historiography style .


  20. In the process of Confucianism combining with politics of imperial authority , the scholar-bureaucrat in two Han Dynasties show a clear common and individual personality in political orientation , academic style , and other aspects .


  21. The text of the peasants ' paintings showed a complex intertextuality , with graphic symbols of the political , academic style , and civil local style and hybridity in the image of peasant paintings .


  22. In the analysis of wording types , it is an important tool to show its different wording features and pragmatic functions and reach the final end of the academic style as a special discourse community and important linguistic device .


  23. Second , The author analyses the reasons of the formed academic style that are Si Ma qian 's influence of acknowledging in length and breadth , Liu 's learning and Liu 's being fond of disputing .


  24. " New Humanism " and the Academic Style at Southeast University : On the Theoretical Debate between the " Xue-Heng " School and the " New Culture " School ; Tokyo Institute of Technology Group in Japanese Community of History of Science and Technology


  25. According to the historical view of the evolution and in " Zhi-zhong Kam-Western " academic style , Liang Qichao proposed comprehensively his ideological education of young people , in the traditional culture innovation , capitalism judgment and idealism pursue .


  26. Therefore , the title of this paper is revised as " A Preliminary Research into the Five Dynasties Writings " . This paper made a preliminary research into the general academic style of the Five Dynasties on the basis of an overall study of the writings of this period .


  27. Novel became important in academic cultural style .


  28. Research of the Relationship between Academic Attributional Style , Value Orientation , Social Support and Help


  29. And in the third period , Nietzsche 's theory showed its academic and theoretical style .


  30. The Academic Ideas and Style of Chen Que
